Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours today. I'd list what I was thankful for, but it doesn't really feel like any holiday (other than July 4) outside with it raining on and off all day and about 70 degrees... better yet, I wish our July 4 only got to 70 degrees... I take back my statement, I just found something to be thankful for. My husband's band travels all over the US and got an offer to go to India this year. Fortunately for my sanity, it fell through. I don't know how I would have gone a week without him during a holiday or how I'd cope with knowing that he'd be over there right now during the Mumbai madness. If they would have gotten the gig, I'd be hysterical wondering whether or not he was ok.

So this morning, while watching the first few minutes of the Macy's Parade, this LO was completed. I got the idea for this word art from a frame at a craft festival. The original was a huge frame hand painted with these song lyrics on them and a little (maybe 8x10) framed picture of a couple at their wedding on the inside. So, of course, I had to use a wedding picture. It's really girly, but isn't all scrapbooking?

You can get the word art here and once again, LO credits go to Vicki. It seems like she's the only designer I use, but I promise I use others, really! Layer Style credits go to Deb - when I first saw those, I thought "I'm never going to use that" but oh how wrong I really was. These, I believe are all from her Sugar Shoppe color scheme.

Speaking of designing - I tried my hand at some papers/elements last night - without cheating, only using what came on CS2 - and realized exactly how much I rely on those layer styles and CU elements :). I made an LSU mini-kit that really isn't spectacular, but I'm getting there.

Time to go save the ladybug that's on the bedroom ceiling before DH gets it - we fight over them constantly, they eat his kilts but I'll never kill one, so we set them free when one wanders in.

So happy holidays, hope all those turkeys came out ok (and stay away from the canned cranberries, I've always wondered what was in that)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The hills are alive

...With the Sound of Music

So here's today's "artsy fartsy stuff" (as DH calls it) - inspiration from none else than the Van Trapp family.

My LO includes a film negative from Vicki, Deb's grayscaled flowers and her "hotel wallpaper" overlay (honestly, I don't know how she thinks to take pictures of that) and her layer styles (that once were grayscaled and I colored) on the words. Naturally, the colors were inspired by our lovely Tigers that we all worship ;)

You can score the word art here and make sure to leave some love! Eventually, it'll be a zipped folder with the TOU in it, but for now, it's just a jpg.

I'm now out of ready made LO's so it's time to test the creativity and come up with some more for the next download. I may not be here tomorrow due to the family time, and we're going to see my husband play this weekend, so may not be here then either. We'll see. The creativity -and patience- might just pop up and I'll have 20 done between now and tonight. Ha. Doubtful.

I hope every one has a blessed Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another one...

So the LO is a picture of my little Monkey and his best friend. Yes, I'm aware there's a button over his face, I haven't had a chance to ask for her permission yet, so he'll be "Button Boy" for now. What a better picture to use for this quote than of you and your best friend? I have this same picture scrapped on an 8x10 and framed on Monkey's nightstand, it has a completely different LO- but not with the quote. I know it's simple, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of those two and I couldn't add anything else to it without taking away from the picture.

I'm a princess at heart (what female isn't) so I have a soft spot for Disney. You can thank Winnie-The-Pooh for today's quote. And score it here.

Don't forget to download my TOU - I'm still getting this all straightened out so it's in a different download, eventually, it will be at the bottom of the site, but that involves dealing with xml within blogger and I don't have the patience for that right now.

I have loads more WordArt already made, now I'm just digging through archives of pictures looking for "the perfect one" to go with each one. I can move words around, but my creativity freezes when it comes to making LO's half the time. So as the LO's get made, the WordArt will be shared.

Thanks for the patience and enjoy some PoohBear!

I almost forgot: today's LO is brought to you by Andrea - it's her "Feeling Silly" kit if you want to go grab your own copy. (Even the button over "Button Boy's" face)

Monday, November 24, 2008


I almost forgot to post this, so here's the TOU that goes with that file, please download this, too!!


My First!!

I've always loved quotes and I've loved graphics, so here ya go. It's only appropriate for this to be my first for several reasons. a) I've always LOVED this song and b) it's the first I've made.

The example LO is part of my husband's anniversary present (he has yet to get it, our anniversary was in August - I'm not late, I'm just still working on it).

You can download the wordart here. My version doesn't have Elvis's name on it because I'm using it for private use and I know who sings it, but I have an obligation to credit the artist just because my husband is a musician and I just have to support them all. Of course, my copy is the brown/orange color, but it's easily color-able, if you don't know how, just ask and I'll walk you through it.

There's a really sappy story about the church in them middle picture -- I'll just say that the bells rang as soon as he proposed. Same bells rang when we had our first kiss - in the same spot he proposed a few months before. If that's not a sign, we don't want to get one ;)


Layout: All elements by AWP. (I'm not sure which kits they are from off hand, but her kits never expire, so you should be able to find it)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A beginning...

So basically, since I admire other designers for their work and what seems like HOURS of designing time, I've decided to do something constructive with my spare time. I've been a graphic artist in disguise for as long as I can remember (My Daddy, last I checked, still used the graphics I made for his website over a decade and a half ago) so here's my go at digital scrapbooking designs. If you don't like what you see, bear with me and cross your fingers that I'll improve to your liking :).

As soon as I get some kinks worked out, I'll be posting WordArt (with an example LO) for you to have because I think it's worth sharing. So check back in a few days and see what I've done!

Thanks for peeking!